
接 达 路 径的英文

  • access path
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        :    come into contact with; come ...
        :    extend
        :    road; way; path
        :    footpath; path; track
        接 达 控 制 字 段:    access control field
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(狭窄的道路; 小路) footpath; path; track 曲径 a winding path; 山径 mountain path2.(达到目的的方法) way; means 捷径 an easy way; shortcut3.(直径的简称) diameter 半径 radiusⅡ副词(径直) directly; straightway 径回大连 go straight back to dalian; 径行办理 deal with the matter straightway
        径 径:    diameter
        t接:    tee off; tee-off
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(靠近;接触) come into contact with; come close to 短兵相接 hand-to-hand fight; fighting at close quarters; close-range fighting; 交头接耳 whisper into each other's ears; speak in each other's ears2.(连接; 使连接) connect; join; put together 接电线 connect wires; 接关系 establish contact (as in underground work); 接线头 tie broken threads; join two threads together; 手术的第一步是把骨头接上。 the first stage of the operation was to join up the bones.3.(托住; 承受) catch; take hold of 接球 catch a ball; 我把苹果扔给他, 他接着了。 i threw the apple to him and he caught it.4.(接收; 接受) receive 接到一封信 receive a letter; 接电话 answer the phone; receive [take] a phone call; 有一段时间, 我们接针线活做, 来挣一点钱。 for a time we took in sewing to earn a little money.5.(迎接) meet; welcome 到机场接人 go to the airport to meet sb.; 非常感谢你来接我。 thank you very much for coming to meet me. 他们开门把他接了进去。 they opened the door and welcomed him in.6.(接替) take over 把优良传统接过来, 传下去 take over and carry forward the fine tradition; 接工作 take over a jobⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 接子 jie zi
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(畅通) extend 公路四通八达。 highways radiate in all directions. 这是开往上海的直达火车。 this is a through train to shanghai.2.(达到) reach; attain; amount to 不达目的, 决不罢休 refuse to give up before the aim is achieved; 欲速则不达。 the more you hurry, the less progress you are likely to make.; more haste, lessspeed. 据估计损失达三万元以上。 the loss is estimated to reach upwards of 30,000 yuan . 这家钢铁厂的年产量达 50万吨。 the annual output of the steel plant amounts to 500,000 tons.3.(通晓; 明白) understand thoroughly 通权达变 able to adapt oneslf to circumstances; 通情达理 be understanding and reasonable; be sensible4.(表达; 传告) express; communicate 传达命令 transmit an order; 词不达意。 the words fail to convey the idea.Ⅱ形容词(显贵) eminent; distinguished 达官 ranking officialⅢ名词(姓氏) a surname 达云 da yun
        :    1.(道路) road; way; path 大路 broad road; highway; 公路 highway; 混凝土路 concrete road; 沥青路 asphalt road; 小路 path; trail; 铁路 railway; railroad2.(路程) journey; distance 路很远 a long distance [journey]; 祝你一路顺风! a pleasant journey to you !3.(途径; 门路) way; means 活路儿 a way out; means of livelihood; 财路 source of income4.(条理) sequence; line; logic; method 思路 train of thought; 理路 line of reasoning5.(地区; 方面) region; district; side 外路人 nonlocal people; 外路货 foreign goods6.(路线) route 八路军 the eighth route army; 2 路无轨电车 no. 2 trolley bus; 三路进军 advance along three routes7.(种类; 等次) kind; sort; class; grade 这路人 this kind of person; 同路人 people of the same class [kind]; 一路货 the same sort; birds of a feather; 陌路 stranger8.(姓氏) a surname 路达 lu da
        径8:    high seat30mm seat
        径,由:    via prep
        y接:    wye
        接7:    bypass with 7μf
        达 臣:    chris andersen
        达…之数:    the class numbered fifty in all
        干 达:    uganda
        赖安-达:    ryan day
        束;道;径:    tract
        kad路:    kad network
        (路)滑的:    slippery
        迪 路:    mike fratello
        光程(路):    optical path
        街,路:    road


  1. "揭阳市"英文
  2. "揭阳县"英文
  3. "揭于"英文
  4. "接"英文
  5. "接 达 控 制 字 段"英文
  6. "接 揭 街 节 劫 洁 结 捷 截 竭"英文
  7. "接(电)线;线路"英文
  8. "接(靠)近;几乎要"英文
  9. "接(忍)受(令人不快的事物等)"英文
  10. "接7"英文


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